Please purchase your 2024-2025 yearbook by May 31st, 2025.
If you don’t remember purchasing a yearbook, please use this link to double-check: Did I already order the yearbook?
Senior Photo Information
Senior Photos are due by Friday, February 28th, 2025.
*Note: Please read everything below carefully. If a senior photo or senior ad attachments are submitted incorrectly, they will NOT be accepted for the yearbook.
Senior Photo Requirements
- Send senior photos to by Friday, February 28th, 2025. There is a $10 late fee for senior photos sent in after the deadline.
- Photos MUST be saved in JPG or JPEG format.
- Save and title the photos using the following format: Senior’s Last Name_First Name (Example: Smith_Jane).
- The subject of your email should read: Senior’s Last Name, First Name Senior Photo (Example: Smith, Jane Senior Photo).
- Photos should be vertical (Photographers: a minimum of 2.25” wide, 3” height, and 300 dpi).
- “Headshots” are preferred (head and shoulders, eye-level with subject).
- No props should be used in the photo.
- Do not use special effects or filters. Color photos are strongly preferred to black and white.
The AHS yearbook uses established requirements for continuity and quality. Please present this information to your photographer if needed.
Photo Options
Our goal is to have every senior represented and to avoid having to list students as “not pictured” or “camera shy” in the yearbook. There are three ways to have your portrait taken:
- Have a portrait taken by a professional photographer.
- Use your LifeTouch school photo (Please email Annastasia Manrose to indicate your intent).
- Use your phone or camera to take your own portrait. Please make sure to follow the photo requirements.
Note: I will reach out with confirmation within seven days of receiving the senior photo. If I have not confirmed the receipt of the photo after seven days, please forward your original email. Please be patient while awaiting confirmation.
Senior Recognition/Baby Ad Information
All senior recognitions/baby ads are due March 28th, 2025.
Senior Recognition/Baby ads are an OPTIONAL purchase. They are a special way to recognize your student’s accomplishments and surprise them with a heartfelt message in the yearbook!
Recognition/Baby Ad Requirements
- First and last name of the senior.
- A senior and/or baby photo (depending on ad size).
- A heartfelt message.
- A check payment made out to “AHS Yearbook/Senior Ad” and dropped off in the front office of Ankeny High School.
Recognition/Baby Ad Options and Prices
- Small: ⅛ page ad with up to two images and 40 words ($60)
- Medium: ¼ page ad with up to three images and 60 words ($100)
- Large: ½ page ad with up to four images and 80 words ($150)
Payment Info
- Make the check payable to “AHS Yearbook/Senior Ad” for Senior recognition/baby ads.
- Drop off your check in the front office of Ankeny High School before the due date.
Please feel free to email me at if you have any questions or concerns. The best way to reach me is through email. Please be patient while awaiting my response!
Click here to view the Spanish translation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Yearbook Advisor, Anna Manrose.
Follow the Yearbook on Social Media – Share pictures from this year including friends, selfies, classes, activities, and anything else that you want to remember.
Instagram: @ahs.yearbook22