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May 6, 2024


Congrats to The Talon staff for receiving 28 awards for writing, reporting, design, photography, and social media reporting and promotion from the Iowa High School Press Association’s spring 2024 journalism contest.


Congrats go out to sophomores Lydia Gerety and Jordan Goemann, juniors Ava Gifford, Ryan Tomlinson, Nolan McNulty, and Julius Wiegand, seniors Avery Enright, Joanna Guerrero, Hunter Boswell, Lilyan McCracken, Vivian Wu, Hannah Howard, Josie Babcock, Scott Kruse, and Ava Tomlinson and to the rest of The Talon news team!


Talon staff 2024
May 2, 2024


There will be no school Monday, May 6th, due to a professional learning day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, May 7th.

April 30, 2024


Congratulations to Talon reporter and 2024-2025 editor Ava Gifford for earning a TOP TEN spot (in the state of Iowa) as an Iowa High School Press Association’s… Emerging Journalist. Ava consistently seeks the truth, is passionate about telling stories that matter, and committed to telling stories with visual impact.👏
April 12, 2024

AHS Class of 2024 – Commencement Planning Guide

Congratulations Seniors and Parents! Your hard work and determination have brought you here. Listed below you will find important information about the commencement process.

TO DO: Is Your Name Incorrect on your School Transcript? If so, it will be incorrect on your diploma. Email Ms. Myers at: or stop by the Counseling Office to correct your name.  

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Announcements were ordered in October and will be distributed on Wednesday, March 27 from 10:40 am – 1:00 pm across from the front office.  If you have questions or concerns regarding your order, you may call the Jostens office at 1-800-863-0961 Ext. 0 or go to  If not picked up on March 27th, you can pick them up in the front office.

SENIOR MEETING (mandatory):  April 24, 2024 – during hawk time

SENIOR SERVICE DAY (mandatory):  Wednesday, May 8 is a day for the seniors of Ankeny High School to give back to their community. Seniors will have the opportunity during the school day to thank the teachers that made an impact on their learning and wellbeing, give back to the school that they spent so much time at over the last four years, and give back to the community that they grew up in.

CAPS AND GOWNS: Caps and gowns will be distributed on Wednesday, May 8 from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm across from the front office.

SENIOR SPOTLIGHT NIGHT (optional):  Wednesday, May 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the main gym. This night is to recognize seniors who are receiving awards and/or scholarships. Invitations will be mailed to seniors who receive school related awards, who self-report scholarships and to Dollars for Scholars recipients. Participating seniors will wear their graduation gowns (no cap/tassel). All are welcome to attend and support their friends and family.

SENIOR FINAL EXAMS:  May 20 and May 21 during regular class periods.

SENIORS’ LAST DAY:  Tuesday, May 21 – All academic work must be completed by this date to be eligible to participate in commencement. All fines and fees must also be paid.

SENIOR BREAKFAST AND SLIDESHOW: The Student Council will sponsor a senior breakfast/slideshow in the cafeteria at 8:15 a.m. on Thursday, May 30, prior to commencement practice.  All graduates are invited to attend. 

COMMENCEMENT PRACTICE (mandatory): Thursday, May 30 at 9:00 a.m. in the high school gym. You must attend this practice session if you wish to participate in commencement.  

COMMENCEMENT: Sunday, June 2 at 11:00 a.m. at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines. The doors to Wells Fargo will open at 10:00 am for the public. There is seating for approximately 14,000 people, so we will not issue tickets for commencement.  Graduates should be at Wells Fargo ready to line up no later than 10:00 a.m.

COMMENCEMENT DECORUM: Commencement is a time for celebration, but it is also a time to demonstrate respect and dignity for all students and families. We ask that guests refrain from using noisemakers and from shouting or applauding during the ceremony. At the end of the diploma presentation, we will honor all graduates at the same time. Graduates are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and respect during the ceremony as well. 

DIPLOMA PACKETS: Immediately following the commencement ceremony, seniors will be handed their diploma packet. The packet will include your diploma, immunization card and commencement photo order form.

Your diploma and immunization card CANNOT be replaced. (Please keep your diploma and immunization card in a safe place – DO NOT DESTROY). 

COMMENCEMENT PHOTOGRAPHS: Photos will be taken as you cross the stage.  These photos will be available for order through the photographers website.

April 11, 2024

Yearbook Announcement

Hello AHS Parents/Guardians!

Please make sure to purchase the 2023/2024 AHS Yearbook! You can purchase yearbooks through Yearbook Market, or

The last day to purchase a yearbook is June 1st, 2024. Please keep in mind that we will have a limited number of extra copies for pickup in the fall. If you are unsure if you have purchased a yearbook, please look for a confirmation email from Yearbook Market. 


Thank you, 

Yearbook Advisor, 

Annastasia Manrose

April 2, 2024


There will be no school Monday, April 8th, due to a professional learning day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 9th.

March 27, 2024


Seniors & Senior Parents: Graduation announcements that were ordered through Josten’s have arrived and can be picked up in the office. 

March 26, 2024

ISASP Testing Schedule – April 1, 2, 3, 4

The Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) will be administered the week of April 1-4 for all AHS 10th and 11th graders. There is no testing on Friday, April 5; we will follow the regular schedule on April 5th.

All Sophomores and Juniors will be expected to attend at the regular time, 8:25 AM. There will be NO Early Bird classes the entire week of testing. But Travel Shuttles to CHS and SV will run between buildings as normal.

Students will test in their Advisory classroom unless otherwise communicated. Students will be assessed on Reading (Monday), Math (Tuesday) and Language/Writing (Wednesday). Additionally, sophomores only will be assessed on Science (Thursday). There is a DESMOS scientific calculator provided on the testing program for all students, but students are also permitted to use their own basic 4-function calculator. Students will not be able to use their own graphing calculators.

Seniors do NOT participate in ISASP Testing. 1st Period will begin at 10:25 AM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday (April 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th).

If you must reach your child during testing, please call our building’s office (515-965-9630).

You can support your student at home by reminding them of the following:

  • Arrive on time and be in your assigned testing room by 8:25 AM.
  • Ensure the Chromebook is charged each evening before test day.
  • Bring a Chromebook charger, a pencil, and a free reading book to your testing room.
  • Get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Cell phones, smart watches, and any electronic devices (other than your school-issued Chromebook) are not permitted for use in the testing room.
  • Corded headphones are permitted only for students with an approved testing accommodation for text-to-speech. Extra headphones are available in the media center. Wireless earbuds are NOT permitted.

Please view the testing schedule below.

2024 ISASP Schedule April 1, 2, 3, 4 *Please note April 4 is for 10th graders only.

  • Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday – 10th and 11th graders will report to their Advisory (or other designated classroom) by 8:25 AM .
    • 12th graders report by 10:25 when 1st period begins.
  • *Thursday – 10th graders ONLY will report to their Advisory (or other designated classroom) by 8:25 AM.
    • 11th and 12th graders report by 10:25 on Thursday when 1st period begins.
March 18, 2024

Baby Ads Announcement

Optional Senior Recognition/Baby Ads: All senior recognitions/baby ads are due Friday, March 22nd, 2024.
What are Recognition/Baby Ads? Recognition/Baby ads are a special way to recognize your student’s accomplishments and surprise them with a heartfelt message!
Recognition/Baby Ad Requirements:
1. Name of the senior
2. A senior or baby photo
3. A heartfelt message
4. Payment made out to “AHS Yearbook”


Recognition/Baby Ad Options and Prices:
Small: ⅛ page ad with up to two images and 40 words ($60)
Medium: ¼ page ad with up to three images and 60 words ($100)
Large: ½ page ad with up to four images and 80 words ($150)

Payment Info:

Make the check payable to “AHS Yearbook” for Senior recognition/baby ads. Send your check to the front office of the high school.

You need to send your recognition/baby ad as a JPEG or JPG to There is a $10 late fee if recognition/baby ads are sent in after March 22nd, 2024.