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Library Media Center


Study Hall Sign Out Form


The mission of the Ankeny Library Media Program is to enable all students to be independent learners who are skilled users of information, and who appreciate literature and other creative expressions.

AHS Media Center Hours:
M, W, TH, F :  7:50 AM – 3:45 PM
T:  8:00 AM – 3:45 PM

Access to Online Library Catalog Information

The school library online catalog has been accessible on each school’s library webpage for well over a decade. Students learn each year how to access the library in-house and online materials through both direct and indirect instruction from the teacher librarians and staff. Students and parents are able to access the school library catalog on each school’s website by selecting the student’s school, hovering over the Library Media Center located on the top menu bar, and selecting the library catalog. Specific individual account information may be accessed by selecting LOGIN and then the blue SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE option. Students and staff will need to provide their Ankeny Google credentials. If a patron (staff or student) is already signed into Google Chrome, selecting this option will automatically sign the user into the personal online catalog account.

Checkout Information
Books: Three-week check out with a three-day grace period before the fines begin. Fines for overdue books are $0.10/day. The fourth day a book is overdue the fine will begin at $0.40. Email reminders will be sent every Monday morning for overdue books. The emails will go to the students’ school gmail accounts and to the parent email on file in Infinite Campus.

Chromebooks: If your Chromebook needs a repair, please bring it to the media center. You will be given a different Chromebook to use. This will become your new device. We will no longer give loaners and give yours back after repairs. If you forget your Chromebook at home, you will not be given a loaner. You may use our desktop computers during the day if you forgot your Chromebook and have worktime in class. You may borrow a charger or leave your Chromebook in the media center to charge during the day.

Iowa High School Battle of the Books
Congrats to “FBI: Friends with Book Intelligence” on making it to the Grand Battle on April 27, 2022. Our team competed against the other top 15 teams from across the state. Team FBI did very well, losing a tie breaker question that would of sent them to finals! Congrats Team FBI!