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August 31, 2023


There will be no school on Monday, September 4th due to Labor Day.

August 28, 2023


Picture Day is coming on 8/29/23 and 8/30/23! Lifetouch School Photography, known for capturing school pictures from K-12 nationwide, will take our school photos this year. For more information about Picture Day, check out the flyer provided or visit:

August 28, 2023


Yearbooks are in! We will be distributing yearbooks before and after school in room 1102! We will start Monday, August 28th from 3:45-4:10 after school. From 8/29-9/1, we will distribute books before school from 8-8:20 and after school from 3:45-4:10.

Make sure to bring some kind of identification and be prepared to sign for your yearbook!

Email our yearbook teacher, Anna Manrose, at if you have any questions!

August 24, 2023

AHS Homecoming 2023 Information

Under the Lights:

  • September 11th at 6:30 PM on the AHS turf field (students should arrive by 6:15 PM)
  • Teams of 8-12 students competing in various relay races and games against each other
  • Sign-up forms and money due in the office or room 2412 by 3:50 on August 30th
  • $12 per team member (Money must be turned in as a team)
  • UTL Captain’s meeting: before school (8 AM) or after school at 3:45 in room 2412 (one person per team) on September 7th to pick up shirts and hear rules. Students cannot participate in UTL if they do not attend the meeting.
  • All teams must find a teacher sponsor.
  • Students without a team can still complete the sign-up form. Ms. Kovacevic and Ms. Grace will help students find teams.

To become a volunteer at UTL: 

  • Go to the district website: Ankeny Community School District
  • Click the Community tab.
  • Click Volunteer.
  • Complete steps 1, 2, & 3. 
  • For Step 3: You will click on Ankeny High School on the left hand side. In the middle of the screen at the bottom of the page, click “fill in an application.”
  • An email from the District Office/Better Impact will be sent to you to let you know that you’re approved.

Once this is complete, go back to the district website.

  • Click on “Log in to your account” on the upper right hand side.
  • Log in.
  • Click on the opportunities tab at the top.
  • Click opportunities list.
  • You will see activities to sign up to be a volunteer.
  • Click the Sign Up button under ACTIONS.
  • Please email Emina Kovacevic ( to let her know you’ve completed these steps. 

We appreciate your willingness to support our AHS students and help at this great event.  If you have any additional questions, please contact Ms. Kovacevic.

Ticket Sales for Homecoming Dance: September 4th-15th

  • The Homecoming Dance will be held on September 16th from 8-10 PM.
  • Online tickets will go on sale at 8:00 am on Monday September 4th and will be available through 12 PM Thursday September 14th.
  • Tickets will be $10 each and you can purchase a ticket using your TouchBase account.  Once logged in, you will shop for Items At Student’s School – Incl. One-Time Meal Payment. Choose Student Activities.  There you will find the option to purchase a homecoming ticket. If you have trouble accessing Touchbase, please contact Angie Green for further assistance.
  • Tickets will be on sale in-person before and after school Thursday 9/14 and Friday 9/15.
  • Tickets will be sold at the door: CASH ONLY. Tickets will cost $15 at the door. Please enter through the main doors to buy your ticket at the door. 
  • Students must pick up wristbands by providing a proof of purchase before or after school on September 14th or 15th. All students must pick them up ahead of time and wear them into the dance.
  • Dance Guest Request Forms can be picked up in the front office at AHS.  Dance Guest Request Forms must be filled out for any guests that do not attend AHS.  No students in grades 9 or below or above 20 years of age will be allowed to attend.  No guest will be admitted the night of the dance without this form being on file. Students can only buy 1 guest ticket. 
  • All dance guest request forms must be turned in by noon on Wednesday, September 13th. 

Night of Homecoming Dance

  • All AHS students will need to have their school ID for admittance into the homecoming dance and their guest a photo ID for admittance to the homecoming dance. 
  • Wear wristband into the dance.
  • Entry to AHS Homecoming Dance is between 8:00 pm and 8:30 pm.  No students or guests will be admitted after 8:30 pm.
  • Students will not be allowed to re-enter the Homecoming Dance if they leave, so please plan accordingly.

The AHS Dance team designed Homecoming apparel that can be found  here:  Orders close September 10th at 11:59 PM!

Please contact Emina Kovacevic ( and Laura Grace ( with any questions.

August 15, 2023

Student View of First Day of School 23-24

Student View of First Day of School 23-24

Reminder: Join us for our Back to School Night at AHS on August 17th from 4-6. Also, students who have classes at ORBIS are encouraged to visit their Open House as well at ORBIS/Northview on August 17th from 4-6.

August 11, 2023


Join us at AHS on August 17th, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. for an opportunity for students & families to see the building, walk their student’s schedule, and meet their teachers in their classrooms before the year begins. Teachers will be available for an informal meet and greet.

August 3, 2023

Back-to-School Guide: Everything You Need to Know!


By following these Back to School tips, you’ll be well-prepared for the upcoming school year and have several tasks checked off your to-do list!

  1. Pay Student Fees: Log in to your InTouch account and pay your student fees to check one item off your to-do list. Visit the fee page to learn more about what these fees cover.
  2. School Supply Lists: Find the school supply lists for Preschool to 12th grade on the school supply list webpage. Make sure to look over this list to ensure you have everything your student will need for the coming year.
  3. Chromebook Support: If you have any concerns or questions about your Chromebook’s hardware or software, visit the Chromebook webpage. It includes a helpful FAQs section dedicated to Chromebooks.
  4. Transportation Arrangements: Make sure your child has transportation to and from school arranged before the school year starts. Check the eligibility and information about bussing on the Transportation page. Visit the Pay-to-Ride page to find relevant details about that transportation program. (Note that Pay-to-Ride availability is limited, and final determinations are made after school begins.)
  5. Infinite Campus Parent Portal: Utilize the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, which provides access to your student’s grades, assignments, and daily announcements. Find more information on how to use the portal on the provided link.
  6. Weather-Related Late Starts and Early Dismissals: Stay informed about late start or early out announcements in case of extreme weather conditions on the school hours page. Additional information about closures and delays, as well as notification channels, can also be found on the provided link.
  7. Lunch Accounts and Menus: Use TouchBase to add money to your student’s lunch account and School Cafe to check the daily menu. Take care of your child’s lunch account today!
  8. School Calendars: Refer to the 2023-2024 school year calendars for important dates such as teacher professional learning days, activity dates, and federal holidays. Stay informed about the upcoming events and plan accordingly.
  9. No Wednesday Late Starts: Note that for the 2023-2024 school year, there will be no Wednesday late starts. Make sure students are at their bus stops and school at the regular time. View the school hours on the provided link for further details.
July 31, 2023


School pictures are scheduled for August 29th & 30th. Re-takes will be on October 25th.

Order Form for School Pictures

July 24, 2023


Our summer office hours: Monday – Thursday: 7:30am-3:30pm

The main office is closed on Wednesday, July 26th due to RAGBRAI. It will also be closed on Friday, July 28th.

We hope you’re having a GREAT summer!