Career Exploration

There are numerous career exploration experiences in and around the Ankeny Community that allow students to discover career pathways and postsecondary options. These experiences help students gain valuable insights, remain curious, and connect with industry professionals.
Career exploration experiences include:
- Career Exploration Events (hosted by businesses and post-secondary institutions)
- Virtual Career Exploration Events
- College and Career Rep Visits
- Career and College Fairs
- Job Shadows
- Volunteer & Silvercord Opportunities
- Mentorship Programs
- Networking Events
- Internships
To search, find more information and register:
- Login to your SchooLinks account
- For experiences taking place at the school or that Ankeny Community Schools is providing transportation to:
- Click on “Events” near the top middle.
- For additional career exploration opportunities:
- Click on the “Careers” icon on the left side.
- Click on Opportunity Board
- To narrow down your search, we recommend clicking on:
- Opportunities near me (top left)
- Select a specific opportunity type and/or use the other filters
- Sort by “Distance from me” (top right)