Would you like assistance filing the FAFSA? Join the Step-by-Step Webinar on November 9!
The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) is offering a free interactive session to guide senior students and families through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you would like to join us in person at AHS, we will be livestreaming the Webinar presentation on November 9. However, if you would like to do this from home on your own that evening, go to the FAFSA Step by Step Webinar link to register.
WHO: Any AHS Seniors who are pursuing post-secondary education and their parent(s)/guardian(s)
WHERE: Ankeny High School Media Center (2nd Floor)
WHEN: Wednesday, November 9 from 5:30 PM- 7:00 PM
WHAT TO BRING: Laptop/Chromebook with internet access
- Create an FSA ID for student and one parent beforehand.
- Checklist of what to have when filing the FAFSA