Please report the absence using ONLY ONE of the following methods. Multiple emails and calls on the same student causes a delay in processing all absences.
Through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal App (preferred method)
Email ahs.office@ankenyschools.org for AHS students
Email sv.office@ankenyschools.org for SV students
Call 515-965-9630 for AHS students / Call 515-965-9635 for SV students
Please note, students will need to be called out daily for each day they are attending
Reminder Regarding State Attendance Reporting
A new state law governs student attendance. Under this new legislation, excused and unexcused absences will have new definitions.
Our district will track absences as the state requires, which will count toward chronic absenteeism. However, the district will not impose any additional school-based consequences related to 8th-12th grade students’ ability to practice & play in activities. The activity departments will continue to make those decisions in alignment with our student handbook.
Attending the State tournament would fall in the category as unexcused for reporting purposes, but those students would still be able to participate in activities that night as long as it is stated they are attending the State event as a fan.
The expectation is for our fans to represent Ankeny High School and the Hawkette Volleyball program in a positive light. Please remember to cheer for our team and respect the decisions of the officials. Violation of the IGHSAU Sportsmanship guidelines may result in a fan being removed from the playing venue.
Tickets may be purchased using the following link: https://xtreamarena.evenue.net/events/GSV?&RSRC=PRM_WEB&RDAT=GSV24
All other event information can be found at State Tournament Central: https://www.ighsau.org/news/2024-volleyball-tournament-central/