PARENT REMINDER: If you’re waiting in line to pick up your student after school, you need to leave the circle open for other traffic flow. I’ve had several complaints on that circle specifically, and have gotten stuck in it myself. Below is a graphic that shows where traffic can line up South of the roundabout and needs to stop to leave it open. The red x’s are where lining up is not allowed, and the blue is showing how traffic can still flow through the area if this simple process is followed.
James Wilson | Traffic Unit Sergeant
Police Department
411 SW Ordnance Road
Ankeny, IA 50023-2940
ph/fx/txt: 515-289-5253
NHS will be running Toys for Tots again this year in partnership with our local Marine Corps Reserve. We are hoping to make this the best year yet! The bins are already downstairs and awaiting the toys. :)
This week’s RAP show:
Welcome to Hawk Highlights, a monthly e-newsletter for parents and guardians of students at Ankeny High School. Our goal is to keep you informed of the news and information you need in order to be involved and engaged in your student’s education.
Attention Parents & Students: Get Ready for Future Ready Night!
Mark your calendars for November 4 at 5:30 PM at the FFA Enrichment Center—it’s time for the Future Ready Night & Career Showcase!
Parents: This event is your opportunity to help your child dream big and plan for a successful future. Connect with professionals from various industries, gain valuable insights, and explore exciting career opportunities that could shape your child’s path.
Students: Whether you’re just starting to explore your options or already have a direction in mind, this is YOUR chance to learn from experts in the field. Get inspired, ask questions, and discover new passions while learning how to make the most of your high school experience and beyond.
With interactive sessions focused on maximizing high school opportunities and exploring post-secondary paths, this night is all about helping you succeed. Don’t miss out!
Please report the absence using ONLY ONE of the following methods. Multiple emails and calls on the same student causes a delay in processing all absences.
Through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal App (preferred method)
Email for AHS students
Email for SV students
Call 515-965-9630 for AHS students / Call 515-965-9635 for SV students
Please note, students will need to be called out daily for each day they are attending
Reminder Regarding State Attendance Reporting
A new state law governs student attendance. Under this new legislation, excused and unexcused absences will have new definitions.
Our district will track absences as the state requires, which will count toward chronic absenteeism. However, the district will not impose any additional school-based consequences related to 8th-12th grade students’ ability to practice & play in activities. The activity departments will continue to make those decisions in alignment with our student handbook.
Attending the State tournament would fall in the category as unexcused for reporting purposes, but those students would still be able to participate in activities that night as long as it is stated they are attending the State event as a fan.
The expectation is for our fans to represent Ankeny High School and the Hawkette Volleyball program in a positive light. Please remember to cheer for our team and respect the decisions of the officials. Violation of the IGHSAU Sportsmanship guidelines may result in a fan being removed from the playing venue.
Tickets may be purchased using the following link:
All other event information can be found at State Tournament Central:
- 2 games at the Ankeny City Stadium with Centennial vs. Iowa City High at 5:30 and Ankeny vs. Linn-Mar at 8:15 p.m.
- Gates will open at 4:30 p.m.
- All tickets are $8.00 and can be purchased using the following link: Select 5A Football and then select the game under Ankeny Centennial. One ticket will get you into both games.
- No passes will be honored for playoff football. No Teacher I.D.’s, Student SAT passes or punch cards.
- Ankeny & Centennial Fans will sit in the WEST bleachers.
- Be patient when looking for a parking spot as the lot will be busy on Friday night.