Would you like assistance filing the FAFSA? Join the Step-by-Step Webinar on November 9!
The Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) is offering a free interactive session to guide senior students and families through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If you would like to join us in person at AHS, we will be livestreaming the Webinar presentation on November 9. However, if you would like to do this from home on your own that evening, go to the FAFSA Step by Step Webinar link to register.
WHO: Any AHS Seniors who are pursuing post-secondary education and their parent(s)/guardian(s)
WHERE: Ankeny High School Media Center (2nd Floor)
WHEN: Wednesday, November 9 from 5:30 PM- 7:00 PM
WHAT TO BRING: Laptop/Chromebook with internet access
- Create an FSA ID for student and one parent beforehand.
- Checklist of what to have when filing the FAFSA
FEWD (Faith and Education Winter Donations)
AHS Presents The Alibis!
The AHS Drama Department is excited to announce that tickets are now on sale for our upcoming production of The Alibis! Our students have been hard at work bringing this show to life, and they’d love to see you in the audience! You can even send cast and crew members a personalized note before the show.
2023-2024 Course Registration Timeline
- November 9: Future Ready Day
- Teachers will provide students with course opportunities and recommendations to sophomore and junior students in every class
- Students will register for 2023-2024 courses in their four-year Academic Plan on Infinite Campus
- November 10: Counselor Meetings
- Counselors will be available in the Career Center (2102) for sophomores and juniors to stop in to review their four-year plans and answer any questions
- November 21: Optional Sophomore/Junior Family Meetings @ AHS
- Counselors will be available for OPTIONAL meetings to meet with current sophomore and junior students/families to review their student’s four-year Academic Plan on Infinite Campus
- Counselors will have 15-minute appointments available from 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM at Ankeny High School
- Scheduling information to follow
- A-E: https://calendly.com/audrey-bell/optional-meeting-gr10-gr11
- F-L: https://calendly.com/mici-vos/optional-meeting-gr10-gr11
- M-R: https://calendly.com/mr-david-patterson/optional-meeting-gr10-gr11
- S-Z: https://calendly.com/kelly-andrews-ahs/optional-meeting-gr10-gr11
- December 8: Optional Freshmen Family Meetings @ Southview
- AHS Counselors will be available for OPTIONAL meetings to meet with current freshmen students/families to review their student’s four-year Academic Plan on Infinite Campus
- Counselors will have 15-minute appointments available from 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM at Southview Middle School
Activity Registration/Winter Parent Meeting
Activity Registration
Ankeny Hawk Families,
As we are midway through the month of October, it is time to begin the process of gearing up for an exciting winter sports season.
One of the more stressful things every school year for student-athletes, parents, coaches, and the activities office is the process of obtaining permission to practice and compete. We are excited to offer an online platform that houses athletic physicals and other important electronic forms that we hope will make this experience more convenient for all involved.
Athletic registrations must be renewed each school year. Registrations from prior years are not valid. If your student will participate in a 2022-23 winter sport, we ask that you complete this online registration process by Friday, October 28. This will give our office time to process all registrations, share information with coaches and directors, and clear permission to practice prior to the start of official practice.
Below you will find the link to the registration website as well as some general instructions to help you in the process. You must complete this process for your student to be given permission to practice and compete.
Click here to access the Ankeny High School and Southview Activities registration site.
Once you are on the Activities Registration website, these instructions will guide you through the registration process.
Need help? Get answers to other frequently asked questions by clicking here.
If you have additional questions, you may contact the activities department at your student’s school. For Southview, contact Mary Arnold at (515)965-9635. For Ankeny High School, contact Lisa Meeker at (515)963-4335.
Winter Parent Meeting
If you have a student that plans to participate in basketball, wrestling, boys’ swimming, bowling or winter cheer, we ask that you attend an informational parent meeting held in the commons at AHS on Tuesday, November 1, at 6:30pm.
Activities Director, Adam McDonnell, will provide information related to student eligibility, athletic physical submission, our athletic trainer and the role of each staff member in the activities office. After Mr. McDonnell’s presentation, winter coaches will provide program-specific information to parents.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, November 1.
There is no school on Friday, October 21st or Monday, October 24th.
Future Ready Night & Career Showcase
You’re invited!
What: Future Ready Night & Career Showcase
The night will include learning sessions aimed at helping students navigate high school and post-secondary opportunities as well as our Career Showcase featuring over 30 different careers!
When: Monday, November 7th 5:30-8:15 PM
FFA Enrichment Center
1055 SW Prairie Trail Parkway
Ankeny, Iowa 50023
This event is designed for both students and parents
- Students will have the opportunity to explore and engage with various careers at the Career Showcase through hands-on experiences with business professionals.
- Parents, guardians, and students are invited to attend four 20 minute sessions to learn more about opportunities students can take advantage of during and after high school.
Linked you will find a copy of the program for the night.
Questions? Please contact:
SENIORS CAPS AND GOWNS: To order your cap and gown, as well as graduation announcements visit Josten’s in the Commons on Tuesday, October 18th from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
AHS ScheduleOctober 12, 2022 |
JUNIORS & SOPHOMORES TAKING the PSAT report to the COMMONS at 7:40 am | Testing 8:00 am – 11:45 am then follow schedule below |
JUNIORS & SOPHOMORES NOT TAKING PSAT | Report at 11:45 am for school lunch or 12:32 pm for 1st period |
SENIORS report to the AUDITORIUM at 10:10 am | Photo and Commencement Meeting
10:15 am – 10:45 am – Josten’s in Auditorium 10:50 am – 11:45 am – Photo in Gym then follow schedule below |
11:45 am – 12:27 Open Lunch (42 min) |
1st period | 12:32 pm – 12:51 pm |
2nd period | 12:56 pm – 1:15 pm |
3rd period | 1:20 pm – 1:39 pm |
4th period | 1:44 pm – 2:03 pm |
5th period | 2:08 pm – 2:27 pm |
6th period | 2:32 pm – 2:51 pm |
7th period | 2:56 pm – 3:15 pm |
8th period | 3:20 pm – 3:40 pm |
*Students will not travel to CHS or SV on this date due to the shortened schedule, with the exception of students taking Orbis.