Hawk Highlights – September 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to Hawk Highlights, a monthly e-newsletter for parents and guardians of students at Ankeny High School. Our goal is to keep you informed of the news and information you need in order to be involved and engaged in your student’s education.
Parent Handbook Communication
The Ankeny Community School District requires that, annually a parent/guardian of each currently enrolled student acknowledges review and receipt of the District’s current student handbook. Each student and parent/guardian is accountable for knowing the handbook’s content and adhering to the expectations that apply to them. The handbook outlines parent and student responsibilities, procedures, and student life in Ankeny Community School District and is supplemental to the school board’s approved policies and procedures. The handbook can be found on the district website under the Parents tab. Students and/or parents with questions or concerns may contact their school’s main office for information about the current policies, rules, regulations, and/or handbook. Please review the 2024-2025 Student & Parent Handbook, log into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and complete the parent/student handbook form.
AHS Homecoming 2024 Information
Theme: Viva Las Vegas!
Dress-up Days:
Monday: No school for students
Tuesday: Pajama day
Wednesday: Tropical day (wear a lei or tropical clothing)
Thursday: Country vs. Country Club (wear your cowboy boots and flannel, or dress like a country club attendee)
Friday: Spirit day. Wear your AHS apparel and colors!
Under the Lights:
September 23rd at 6:30 PM on the AHS turf field (students should arrive by 6:15)
Teams of 8-12 students competing in various relay races and games against each other
Sign-up forms and money due in the office or room 2412 by 3:50 on September 3rd. There will be no late exceptions.
$12 per team member (Money must be turned in as a team)
UTL Captain’s meeting: before school (8 AM) or after school at 3:45 in room 2412 (one person per team) on September 19th to pick up shirts and hear rules. Students cannot participate in UTL if they do not attend the meeting.
All teams must find a teacher sponsor.
Students without a team can still complete the sign-up form. Ms. Kovacevic and Ms. Grace will help students find teams.
To become a volunteer at UTL:
Go to the district website: Ankeny Community School District
Click the Community tab.
Click Volunteer.
Complete steps 1, 2, & 3.
For Step 3: You will click on Ankeny High School on the left hand side. In the middle of the screen at the bottom of the page, click “fill in an application.”
An email from the District Office/Better Impact will be sent to you to let you know that you’re approved.
Once this is complete, go back to the district website.
Click on “Log in to your account” on the upper right hand side.
Log in.
Click on the opportunities tab at the top.
Click opportunities list.
You will see activities to sign up to be a volunteer.
Click the Sign Up button under ACTIONS.
Please email Emina Kovacevic (emina.kovacevic@ankenyschools.org) to let her know you’ve completed these steps.
We appreciate your willingness to support our AHS students and help at this great event. If you have any additional questions, please contact Ms. Kovacevic.
Ticket Sales for Homecoming Dance: September 13th-27th
The Homecoming Dance will be held on September 28th from 8-10 PM.
Online tickets will go on sale at 8:00 am on Friday, September 13 and will be available through 11:59 PM Thursday September 26th.
Tickets will be $10 each and you can purchase a ticket using your TouchBase account. Once logged in, you will shop for Items At Student’s School – Incl. One-Time Meal Payment. Choose Student Activities. There you will find the option to purchase a homecoming ticket. If you have trouble accessing Touchbase, please contact Katie Moore or Lisa Meeker for further assistance.
Tickets will be on sale in-person before and after school, and during lunches, on Thursday 9/26 and Friday 9/27.
Tickets will be sold at the door: CASH ONLY. Tickets will cost $15 at the door. Please enter through the main doors to buy your ticket at the door.
Students must pick up wristbands by providing a proof of purchase before or after school, or during lunches, on September 26th or 27th. All students must pick them up ahead of time and wear them into the dance.
Dance Guest Request Forms can be picked up in the front office at AHS. Dance Guest Request Forms must be filled out for any guests that do not attend AHS. No students in grades 9 or below or above 20 years of age will be allowed to attend. No guest will be admitted the night of the dance without this form being on file. Students can only buy 1 guest ticket.
All dance guest request forms must be turned in by noon on Wednesday, September 25th.
Night of Homecoming Dance
All AHS students will need to have their school ID for admittance into the homecoming dance and their guest a photo ID for admittance to the homecoming dance.
Wear wristband into the dance.
Entry to AHS Prom is between 8:00 pm and 8:30 pm. No students or guests will be admitted after 8:30 pm.
Students will not be allowed to re-enter the Homecoming Dance if they leave, so please plan accordingly.
Please contact Emina Kovacevic (emina.kovacevic@ankenyschools.org) and Laura Grace (laura.grace@ankenyschools.org) with any questions.
Yearbook Announcement!
UPDATED – Student View of First Day of School 24-25
Friday, August 23, 2024
Morning – Sophomores and New Students to AHS
Time: 8:00-8:25 Location: Arrival
All sophomores and new junior + senior students arrive at AHS and go to the Main Gym. Returning juniors and seniors who ride the bus are welcome to be in the Commons or Media Center.
Time: 8:25-8:45 Location: Main Gym
Sophomores will sit with their advisory class and participate in a welcome assembly. *Students can identify their Advisory teacher’s name on their class schedule*
Time: 8:50-9:10 Location: Advisory Classrooms
First Advisory – Get to know your advisory.
Time: 9:15-10:40 Location: Rotations (various locations)
Three 25 minutes rotations (High School 101, Building Tour, and Commons Expectations).
Time: 10:40-11:20 Location: Club Fair (Main Gym) Lunch (Commons)
Sophomore students will eat lunch and attend the Club Fair. All juniors and seniors are also invited to attend the Club Fair in the Main Gym. Lunch will be available for all juniors and seniors if they would like to eat at AHS.
Afternoon – All students (10-12th grades) will go to their regularly scheduled classes for A Day.
11:20-11:25 – Transition No early bird classes; students will not travel to CHS, but will travel to ORBIS & Teacher Academy (transportation available). Students should attend their DMACC Career Academy classes (as scheduled).
11:25-11:50 – 1st period
11:55-12:20 – 2nd period
12:25-12:50 – 3rd period
12:55-1:20 – 4th period
1:25-1:50 – 5th period
1:55-2:20 – 6th period
2:25-2:40 – Advisory
2:45-3:10 – 7th period
3:20-3:40 – 8th period
Reminder: Join us for our Back to School Night at AHS on August 20th from 4:00pm – 6:00pm.
Security Practices – Please Read
One of the great things about Ankeny Schools is the community’s support of our athletics and activities. These events bring thousands of people together to celebrate the achievement of students. Because security is of utmost importance, the district continues to review its practices and identify areas of improvement at such events. As a result, we implement security measures for our activities and events.
Security practices:
- Grades 6-12 must wear school ID while at the game
- Footballs are not allowed
- No baby powder, confetti, signs, noisemakers
- No weapons (real or look-alike)
- The North gate will remain secured at all times unless a team, band, or emergency personnel need access to the stadium
- Families will be encouraged to ensure that students in grades K-5 be accompanied by an adult
- Entrance to the stadium before an event will not be allowed
- There will be no re-entry after leaving the stadium
- Spectators will not be allowed to bring backpacks and large handbags into the stadium; Diaper bags or medical bags are allowed, but are subject to search
- No outside food or drink
- No access without a ticket or pass, including after halftime
These recommendations are the result of numerous conversations with security experts and a review of our current practices. Security can often be at odds with convenience. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for our students and spectators. We look forward to cheering on the Hawks and Jaguars with you this Fall.