Digital Student IDs Coming Soon for Grades 6-12
Beginning November 1, all students in grades 6-12 will have access to a digital student ID through an app called Minga. While all students will continue to receive a physical student ID card, students who choose to utilize the digital ID will have access to an ID that replicates and functions the same as their physical ID. This includes the ability to use the digital ID for admittance to athletic events for students with SATs and K-8 activity passes.
How to Access Minga
Students who wish to utilize the digital ID will download Minga to their personal device. The app may be downloaded from the Apple AppStore or the Google Play Store.
Students sign in using their school email address and password.
Minga meets United States federal and state standards for data collection, storage, and sharing. They never collect unnecessary information, and they never share it outside of our school or district, including names or email addresses. You may access Minga’s Student Data Privacy & Safety Guide by clicking here.
If you prefer that your student not have access to a digital student identification card, please contact your student’s school to request an opt-out form. The opt-out form, requesting your e-signature, will be assigned to you in Infinite Campus and once signed, your student’s access to their digital ID will be terminated.
E-signed opt-out forms completed in Infinite Campus on or before October 27, 2023, will prevent your student’s digital ID from being activated in Minga. Opt-out form requests received after October 27, 2023, will be processed and access to Minga terminated as soon as possible at your student’s school.