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  • Aug 4
    12:00 pm-8:00 pm

    Athletic Booster Camp – Boys Basketball

  • Aug 5
    7:30 am-9:00 pm

    Band – Performance

  • Aug 5
    7:30 am-9:00 pm

    Band – Performance

icon A note from Principal Johnson

Welcome to Ankeny High School, Home of the Hawks!

My name is Dan “DJ” Johnson and I am excited to serve the students, staff, and families of our community. We have a building full of passionate educators who are committed to helping all Hawks achieve at a high level. Know that we will continue to build upon our longstanding tradition of academic and extracurricular excellence so all Hawks can soar. We will work to embody our core values and establish a culture where all Hawks are honorable, accountable, willing, and knowledgeable. Thank you for choosing Ankeny High School.

